5 th form

Переделайте вопросы в косвенную речь

Придаточные предложения времени и условия


Темы для устной промежуточной аттестации  

Card 1   

  Give a talk on hobbies and interests.

Remember to say:

  •    why it is important to have a hobby
  •    why different people have different hobbies
  •     what hobby you would like to take up, why

     Do not forget about the introduction and conclusion

Card 2

Give a talk on your family.

 Remember to say:

  • who is in your family and what they do
  •    if you spend a lot of time with your parents
  •   what things you like to do together
  • Do not forget about the introduction and conclusion 

    Card 3 

    Give a talk about your typical day.

    Remember to say:

    •        how much time you spend at school
    •          if you have some after-school activities
    •         what you usually do in the evening

     Do not forget about the introduction and conclusion

     Card 4

    Give a talk about travelling.

    Remember to say:

    •        why people travel
    •         how people can get to different places
    •        which way of travelling is the most comfortable, why

    Do not forget about the introduction and conclusion

    Card 5

    Give a talk about travelling.

    Remember to say:

    •  if your travel often
    •   what means of travelling you know and which one you enjoy most
    •   speak about  your last trip

    Do not forget about the introduction and conclusion

    Card 6 

    Give a talk on London.

    Remember to say:

    • if London is a young or an old city
    •  what places of interest one can see there
    •  if you would like to visit London and why

    Do not forget about the introduction and conclusion

    Card 7 

     Give a talk on animals in danger.

    Remember to say

    •    what life on Earth depends on
    • why some animals are disappearing nowadays.
    •    what people must do to save wild animals
    • Do not forget about the introduction and conclusion

    Card 8 Give a talk on our planet.

    Remember to say

    •   why people all over the world think about our planet.
    •  why water is important for life
    •  what people must do   to protect our planet

    Do not forget about the introduction and conclusion 

    Card 9

    Give a talk about our planet.

    Remember to say:

    •  how many continents there are on the Earth, what they are
    •  how many oceans there are on our planet, what they are
    •  what country is the largest in the world

    Do not forget about the introduction and conclusion

    Card 10

    Give a talk about English-speaking countries.

    Remember to say:

    •  what English-speaking countries you know
    •   what language is the most important international language nowadays
    •   if English is the same in different countries

     Do not forget about the introduction and conclusion

    Card 11

    Give a talk on the UK.

    Remember to say:

    •   where the UK is situated
    • what languages are spoken in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland
    •  what you know about the flag of the UK

     Do not forget about the introduction and conclusion

    Card 12

    Give a talk on a healthy way of life.

    Remember to say:

    •   why it is important to stay healthy
    •   what people should/shouldn’t do to keep fit and stay healthy
    •    if you follow the rules of a healthy way of life

     Do not forget about the introduction and conclusion

    Card 13

    Give a talk about  the last doctor’s visit

    Remember to say:

    •  when you were ill last time
    • what the doctor did when he/she came
    •  what he/she recommended

     Do not forget about the introduction and conclusion

     Card 14

    Give a talk on popular British sports and games.

    Remember to say:

    •  what sports and games are popular in Britain
    •  what games were invented in Britain
    • what summer sport is sometimes called the English national game
    • what sport you would like to play/do? Why

    Do not forget about the introduction and conclusion

    Card 15 

    Give a talk on shopping.

    Remember to say:

    •   where people go to buy food, what the names of the shops are
    •  where people go to buy clothes
    •  if you often go shopping and what you usually buy

    Do not forget about the introduction and conclusion




    Change into the Reported Speech:
    The teacher said to the pupils, " You can start writing  immediately"
    Ann said , " I am in  very bad health "
    Peter said to me, " I  don't like this medicine"
    The doctor said to me, "  I am taking your blood pressure"
    Jane said, "I cough badly"
    Paul said to Mike, "I never break my promise"
    Granny said, " I take this medicine regularly"
    Alice said to John, " Steve doesn't call you silly"
    My mother said, " You have a cold"


    Variant 1

    I.                    Change the sentences into reported speech.

    1.       Mother “Open the door, Jane”

    2.       Kate “I often lose my things”

    3.       The teacher “You can ask your questions”

    4.       Granny, “ Don’t go there, Alex. It is dangerous”

    5.       Ann, “Where do you live?”

    6.       Alex, “Do you help your parents?”

    II.                  Write what you should/shouldn’t do

    Clean your teeth twice a day, put elbows on the table, speak with your mouth full, respect your parents

    III.                Complete the sentences using ‘either…or’

    1.       You can come (today/tomorrow)

    2.       He got (a five/ a four)

    3.       Mark wants to become (a doctor/teacher)

    4.       (My brother/my sisters) is/are going to visit you.

    5.       (My sisters/my cousin) help/helps you.

    IV.                Complete the sentences using ‘neither…nor’

    1.       I like bananas/apples

    2.       He can speak French/ German

    3.       Bill/his friends play/plays golf.

    4.       My cat/my dog eat/eats fish

    5.       My brothers/my sister is/ are at home

    Variant 2

    I.                    Change the sentences into reported speech.

    1.       Granny “Close the window, Jane”

    2.       Jane “I often visit my friends”

    3.       The professor “You can write your questions”

    4.       Mother, “Don’t sit near the fire, Alex. It is dangerous”

    5.       Bill, “When do you come?”

    6.       Alex, “Do you water your flowers?”

    II.                   Write what you should/shouldn’t do

    Sit up straight, put elbows on the table, eat with your fingers, respect the law

    III.                Complete the sentences using ‘either…or’

    1.       I can go there (today/tomorrow)

    2.       He can wear (a sweater/ a coat)

    3.       My sister wants to become (a doctor/teacher)

    4.       (I/my friend) is/are going to visit you.

    5.       (My sisters/my cousin) help/helps you.

    IV.                Complete the sentences using ‘neither…nor’

    1.       He grows fruit/vegetables

    2.       He reads books/ newspapers

    3.       Bill/his friends play/plays golf.

    4.       My cat/my dog eat/eats fish

    5.       My brothers/my sister is/ are at home


    Variant 3

    I.                    Change the sentences into reported speech.

    1.       The teacher “Sit straight, Jane”

    2.       Jane “I never go to museums”

    3.       The doctor “Stay in bed, Alex”

    4.       Mother, “Don’t take off your coat, Alex. It is cold”

    5.       Bill, “Why are you late?”

    6.       Alex, “Do you speak English, Bill?”

    II.                   Write what you should/shouldn’t do

    Smoke, offend your friends, do homework, wash your hands before you eat.

    III.                Complete the sentences using ‘either…or’

    1.       We will go there (in spring/in summer)

    2.       Ann can buy (a sweater/ a coat)

    3.       My mom wants to visit (France/Spain)

    4.       (Ann /her friends) is/are going to visit you.

    5.       (My brothers/my friend) go/goes in for sport

    IV.                Complete the sentences using ‘neither…nor’

    1.       He eats fruit/vegetables

    2.       Bill buys books/ newspapers

    3.       Bill/his friends go/goes to school.

    4.       My mother /my sister is/ are at home

    5.       My cat/my dog eat/eats fish

    Variant 4

    I.                    Change the sentences into reported speech.

    1.       Granny “Don’t put your elbows on the table, Jane”

    2.       Jane “I was in Moscow last summer”

    3.       The teacher “You can begin doing this exercise”

    4.       Mother, “Sit straight, Alex.”

    5.       Bill, “What do you like more?”

    6.       Alex, “Do you play football?”

    II.                   Write what you should/shouldn’t do

    Do morning exercises, put elbows on the table, speak with your mouth full, respect your teachers.

    III.                Complete the sentences using ‘either…or’

    1.       We will come back (in autumn/in winter)

    2.       Ann can buy (a book/ a newspaper)

    3.       Ann wants to learn French/Spanish)

    4.       (My mother /her friends)  is/are going to help you.

    5.       (My brothers/my friend) go/goes in for sport

    IV.                Complete the sentences using ‘neither…nor’

    1.       He eats fish/meat

    2.       Bill can read/write

    3.       Bill/his friends go/goes to school.

    4.       My dad/my brothers is/ are at home

    5.       I like dull book/dull books



    26.01. 2021
    Косвенная речь( вопросы)

    The land and the people of Great Britain
    1. Speak about the geographica position of the UK (where it is situated, what parts it consists of, what the capitals of these parts are, what it is washed by, what separates the UK from Europe.)
    2. Speak about peoples of the UK( what they  are, what languages they speak)
    3. Speak about the flag of the country.

    Косвенная речь

    Рождественские поздравления
    Как сделать рождественскую открытку

    Поздравления и пожелания на Рождество на английском / Christmas Greetings and Wishes

    Wish you a Merry Christmas and may this festival bring abundant joy and happiness in your life!
    Желаю Вам веселого Рождества! Пусть этот праздник принесет много веселья и счастья!
    May this Christmas be so special that you never ever feel lonely again and be surrounded by loved ones throughout!
    Пусть в это Рождество и весь грядущий год с тобой будут близкие и любящие люди!
    You are special, you are unique; may your Christmas be also as special and unique as you are! Merry Christmas!
    Знай, что ты особенный, неповторимый! Пусть это Рождество будет таким же особенным и неповторимым как и ты! Веселого Рождества!
    Here's wishing you all the joys of the season. Wish you and your family a Merry Christmas!
    Желаю всех радостей, какие только может принести зима! Веселого Рождества!
    May joy and happiness snow on you, may the bells jingle for you and may Santa be extra good to you! Merry Christmas!Пусть вместе со снегом зима принесет радость и счастье! Пусть колокольчики звенят только для тебя, а Санта принесет много подарков! Веселого Рождества!
    May this Christmas be bright and cheerful and may the New Year begin on a prosperous note!
    Пусть это Рождество будет ярким и веселым, А Новый Год принесет только удачу и процветание!
    Love, Peace and Joy came down on earth on Christmas day to make you happy and cheerful. May Christmas spread cheer in your lives!
    На Рождество на землю спускается Любовь, Мир и Радость. Пусть этот праздник привнесет в твою жизнь веселье!
    Sending the warmest Christmas wishes to you and your family. May God shower his choicest blessings on you and your family this Christmas!
    Посылаю тебе и твоей семье самые теплые пожелания на Рождество. Пусть в этот день Господь ниспошлет на вас свое благословение!
    May all your days be merry and bright and may your Christmas be white! Merry Christmas!
    Пусть все Ваши дни будут веселыми, а Рождество белым и пушистым, как снег! Веселого Рождества!
    It is that time of the year again, when you are thankful for everything merry and bright. May this Christmas be a delight! Wishing you a Merry Christmas!
    Снова наступило время поблагодарить Господа за все хорошее и яркое, что произошло за этот год! Пусть это Рождество будет радостным! Веселого Рождества!
    May Christ bless you with all the happiness and success you deserve! Merry Xmas!
    Благослови тебя Господь в этот день! Пусть счастье и удача сопутствуют тебе! Веселого Рождества!
    I am dreaming of white Christmas, with every Christmas card I write, May your days be merry and bright, and May all your Christmases be white. Merry Christmas!Когда я посылаю свои рождественские поздравления и пожелания, я мечтаю о снежном Рождестве. Пусть твоя жизнь будет яркой и веселой, и пусть все будущие Рождественские праздники будут снежными. Веселого Рождества!
    May your world be filled with warmth and good cheer this Holy season, and throughout the year! Wish your Christmas be filled with peace and love. Merry Xmas!Желаю тепла и веселья! Пусть вместе с рождеством в твою жизнь придет мир и любовь! Веселого Рождества!
    May the good times and treasures of the present become the golden memories of tomorrow. Wish you lots of love, joy and happiness. MERRY CHRISTMAS!Пусть все хорошее и ценное настоящего оставит приятные воспоминания! Желаю много любви, радости и счастья! ВЕСЕЛОГО РОЖДЕСТВА!

    Passive Voice
    Как использовать пассивный залог

    Lesson  7  New words

    Past Continuous Tense

    Употребление USED to

    10.11. 2020

    My favourite season
    1. How many seasons are there in a year?
    2. What are they? 
    3. Every season is beautiful in its own way, isn't it? why?
    4. What is your favourite season? Why?
    5. What is the weather like in your favourite season?
    6.What do you and and your friends do in your favourite season?
    7. What do you do together with your family?

    I would like to tell you about my favourite season. There are.......in a year. They are..... All seasons are good in their own way. Winter, for example, is .......... Spring is the time when ....... Autumn is also beautiful because..... In summer  children have........

    However, my favourite season is......... I choose it  because........... It  is the season when..... The weather is .......... but sometimes it is.......... In..... my friends and I usually..............Besides, we....... and sometimes we......

    As  for my family, we spend much time together. We.......

    In conclusion, I want to say all seasons are good but I like ..... most.

    20/10/2020 Новая лексика
    Способы выражения будущего времени в английском языке

    My last journey
    I would like to tell you about my last journey.
    • How often do you travel?
    • When did you travel last? Where? Why?
    • With whom did you travel? 
    • How did you get there?
    • How long did it take you to get there?
    • Where did you stay?
    • How long did you stay there?
    • What was the weather like?
    • What did you do there? Did you visit any sights?
    • Did you like it there? Why ? 
    • Не забудьте  заключение: To sum up, I want to say that it is very interesting to travel.

    Sports in my life

    Today I would like to tell you about sport in my life. I should say, I like sport very much because ...  There are many sports and games. My favourite sport is.... and my favourite game  is....
    I began going in for sports ... ago when I was ... years old. It was... . Now I go in for... . I think I am good (not good ) at it.
    I like (don't  like) to play sports games in the spors ground but I also like to watch some sports programmes on TV.
    That's all I wanted to tell you about sports in my life.

    07/10/2020  Как образуем и как употребляем
    Present Perfect Tense 

    Past Simple Как правильно образовывать Past Simple/Past Indefinite Tense (Простое прошедшее Время), ка делать предложения отрицательным и как задавать вопросы. Смотрите видео:

    3 September.

    Glad to meet you! 
    Hope we will work with pleasure and  efficiently!


    Present Simple or Present Continuous

    Барашков стр. 13-14  упр.15-16

    ТЕСТ на Present Simple and Present Continuous

    Variant 1
    Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous или в Present Simple. 
    I (to take) my sister to school  now. I (to take) her  to school every day. 
    He (to help) his father very often. He (to help) his father now. 
    At the moment they (to go) to the river for a swim. They usually (to go) to the river for a swim.
    She (to play) the violinevery day. She (to play) the violin now. 
    I (not to sleep) now.  I (not to sleep) in the daytime.  
    She (not to drink) coffee after lunch. She (not to drink) coffee now.
    You (to work) now? You (to work) every day?
    He (to play) in the afternoon?  He (to play) now? 
    Variant 2
    Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous или в Present Simple. 
    I (to read) now. I (to read) every day. 
    He (to sleep) now. He (to sleep) every night. 
    We (to drink) tea every morning. We (to drink) tea now. 
    They (to go) to school now. They (to go) to school every morning. 
    They (not to eat) now. We (not to watch) TV in the morning.
    My mother (not to work) at an office. My mother (not to work) now. 
    They (to eat) now? They (to eat) at school?
    Your sister (to rest) after school? Your sister (to rest) now?

    Activity book  упр.5

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